Our Services


Worship Service

Our Worship Service begins every Sunday at 11am in the sanctuary. Dress is anywhere from jeans to dresses to slacks - whatever you feel most comfortable in! We begin our service with announcements and songs and then transition into a time of Biblically-based teaching from our pastor. We close the service with a song and an invitation to respond to the message. Due to COVID-19, we are asking people to socially distance as possible. Masks are not required but are welcomed as you feel necessary.

Sunday Evening

Our Sunday Evening service begins at 6:30pm. The setting and dress are more informal than our Worship Service. Due to COVID-19, we are meeting for this service in the sanctuary to allow for social distancing. This service consists of teaching from our pastor and is also streamed on Facebook Live for anyone who cannot be there in-person. Masks are not required but are welcomed as you feel necessary.

Wednesday Evening

Our Wednesday Evening service begins at 6:30pm and is structured to be a time of more informal discussion-based learning. We typically learn together through a teaching series or Bible study book that facilitates application of scripture in our daily lives. Due to COVID-19, we are meeting for this service in the sanctuary to allow for social distancing. Masks are not required but are welcomed as you feel necessary.